My zodiac sign is called "Pisces", witch look like to fish.
The astrology on my birthday is to suggest that "a Pisces born on March 2 has a perception that borders on genius. Although they may seem to clear everything through intellectual channels, they are really exercising psychic sensitivity. Most major life decisions are made this way. They are gentle souls who may lack self-confidence. This is unfortunate because they have many talents." I don't fully agree with all of that, but if the stars say read it, then it must be correct. I would not say I'm a genius but i am fairly intelligent when it comes to common sense. I do have many talents, and i hope to gain more as my life progresses. As a freshman in high school i feel as though i have a lot of self confidence. Astrology has also suggested that i have nervous ailments which deprive me of sleep. I can relate to that for sure. If something is bothering me, or i'm nervous for something coming up, i loose sleep.
No matter what the stars say, or how much Romeo relies on the stars and fate to interpret his fate, i believe that my zodiac sign relates to me and that i am who i am, and its not going to change.
i fell asleep, then woke up and rushed to the comp. i made it in time!