Monday, June 14, 2010

Final Blog! I Didn't Forget it! Woo!

Wow, when Mrs. Gilman suggested that we would be writing on an online blog, i wasn't to excited. After this long year, i think i finally see the point and meaning of these blogs. To share our writing with our classmates as well as reflecting on our learning styles in class on specific things. While reading all of my blogs i realize that some blogs i put a lot of effort in them, and some not so much. Easily my favorite types of blogs were the ones that didn't have to be super long on some random topic. Such as the first post we ever wrote. I feel as though my ideas on locations for reading a book have not changed. I still need complete silence to soak the book up and completely understand it. Yet, if your crunched for time, going back isn't always the best method of approach. Annotations help better than going back. The first book i annotated this year was Treasure Island. It was an epic book. I loved it! As Mara would say, "Its in-fricken-sane!". Well, it wasn't that good. While Treasure Island was one of the better books i have read this year, i cannot say it was 100% perfect. While you'd be reading it you always had to look up words they'd say because you have no clue what the pirates mean. I know it sounds whiney but its the truth. While reading my past blogs i laughed the most at this post, "Memory Lane". I can still imagine the house boating trip in my mind 11 years ago. My skin just hurts thinking about it. I absolutely hate sun burns. My mom taught me a very valuable lesson in a some what mean way. "Madison, hold still dammit!" Oh mom, Love you. My favorite blog was the best friend blog post. Of course i wrote about the best topic, Parker Newman, what a character. The day after the blog was posted i just decided to follow him around after second period and follow him around to what he'd do. Im such a genius! Best blog. Another blog about life lessons was a memorable blog. I feel like such an idiot that i was a gossip queen when i was little. The next post was the first blog primarily looking at motif. This was an important blog because it helped me, and probably other student understand the importance of motif. Now i can identify motif with ease. Even though it can be hard. I don't really like it. i can do it though, no worries! To Kill a Mocking Bird was a great book to teach motif because it was so obvious. Then along came poetry out loud. One of my favorite things in english. I love reciting it because its fun! We were given the opportunity to watch some videos of kids preforming the poems. It was amazing how talented some the kids were. One girl did a poem that was as long as a short story. i can't believe how good she was. She cried mid poem. That really shows you that she was effected by it. My jaw dropped, but it also gave me the confidence to achieve on my own poetry out loud reciting. The next post was my Animal Farm project, an epic poem. I obviously panicked about the project because i hadn't started it on time and rushed through the whole thing. Not a good way of doing a final project kids! I'm ashamed of the poem. Please don't shun me Mrs. Gilman, i tried. 2o10 blog, new year resolution. I feel as though my excitement for reading has probably decreased since that time. I'm very tired of all the work in my classes and would like a break. Reading a book right now would be suicide, but i'm forced to read one now and its short. So i think i am fine with that. I'm sure this summer i'll get excited about reading again! In a quiet place of course. I think the victorian age project was a good preview to our final this year. It's seems like the blog post could help me think about the questions and attitude i should have for my upcoming final. Glad we had that one! The group essay blog was not fun. On top of all the essay writing we had to do, we had a blog. It wasn't the best, but i endured it. Yet another blog reflecting our writing abilities. Next came Great Expectations. I'd like to take a second of your time reading this and award GE the most boring book in history. The blogs where other students answer were helpful blogs i think. Getting input from other piers is sometimes better then the teacher. Then we got to do skits on the most boring book in history! Woo, Mara's skit was the best thing id ever seen, she pretended to be on fire. I loved it. The blog was all about finding the best scenes to preform, i said the scene when Mrs. Havisham catches fire, go mara! Its fair to say i have the best second period of anyone! Another post we had was a reflection on our year,i only have good things to say about my class. At the end of that post i whine about motif some more. After we had been reading Romeo and Juliet a while we had to find some modern day arts referencing the book. I found a song by the Killers called "Romeo and Juliet". The most fun R+J blog was writing about your zodiac sign and telling how Romeo relies on the stars to know what to do. I enjoyed this blog because i got to find things about myself that i never knew. The last two blogs this year were about our summer reading list and a reflection on how we have increased our essay writing abilities. I feel as thought i can write a kick ass essay. Mrs. Gilman you have made an influence on me, thankyou! Your an awesome teacher! As my Dad always says, "the tassel is worth the hassle!" Honors rocks!

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